Aromatherapy for Neurodivergent Stress Responses

Stigmatization leads to many negative mental and physical health outcomes for neurodivergent people. As a neurodivergent person myself, it often feels like I am drowning under the weight of failure. My inner self is happy, joyful, and free - but she is often weighted down by the expectations of others and of my more judgmental self. Some of those judgmental inner voices are my own, but many of them stem from society and unrealistic expectations repeated often enough to stick.

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The Science of Optimism

What is the difference between happiness and optimism? Optimism is a choice and something we have a say in. Happiness is an emotion that we can cultivate, but not control. Optimism is a mindset that we can purposefully select in order to find fulfillment and peace in our lives. Each stage of life will demand our continued growth and having a positive mindset allows us to directly mitigate any physiological potential health issues and mental health struggles.

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